Thursday, March 5, 2009

Slumber Party

The past few nights Drake has been wanting to lay on the floor with the "big boys" and fall asleep. Before we got a carpet pad to go under the area rug, a pallet at our house would consist of about 8 blankets (I'm not kidding!). Now that the floor is more comfortable to lay on...all those blankets are not needed. Yipee!!...because I will give you one guess on who was folding up those 8 blankets every single morning!!! I was saying before...Drake has been falling asleep with Adam and Parker on the living room floor. So last night I told them to "pretend" they were sleeping and I would take a picture. I would have to give an Oscar to Daddy because he "looks" asleep.....however, I think the flash on the camera was a little too bright for Parker...haha!!!


Anonymous said...

So cute Brooke! Had to laugh at "pallet"! I couldn't remember that word the other day and asked Jayme what word did Brooke use for a bunch of blankets on the floor? Ha! ;)